New year, new website.

New year, new website.

A website is undoubtedly the most important tool in running a business. I've  been without one for the best part of a year. I can direct people to my etsy, depop or instagram but its not the same as having a corner of the world wide webbage to call my own.

Fortunately for me, I date a  talented web developer who just finished up a tricky project and now has spare time that I plan to put to good use (he's thrilled).

I've been thinking about what  my website should be. Previously an ultra slick Shopify store, it had all the necessary tech for selling but none of the required charm. That's on me. I was still in the 'build it and they will come' mindset.

I need it to work in a couple of ways. Firstly - pretty obviously - people need to be able to buy shit. So I still need a store section and associated security and payment functionality. My last site had no social element, but these blog posts are already laying the groundwork there. Revamping my mailing list and installing some analytics will help me see what people are into and what I should  be doing more of.

The final element had to be a portfolio. I have and will continue to make a lot of things. Not every thing will be for sale but the work could still be put out into the world to show what I can do. It may lead to a commission or sale that otherwise wouldn't happen. Also, I realise I need to start valuing my work. A portfolio not only shows others what I can do, it reminds me as well.

So here it is! The first pass of the new world order. It'll take a while to get right so expect changes over the next couple of weeks! I'd love to hear your feedback. Drop me an email or find me on instagram and slide into those DMs.

Thanks for following this far,

Much love
Tiffany xo